Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Encounter Kids is an upbeat and fun place for children of all ages to grow in their understanding of the Bible.
 Our Encounter Kids ministry has high energy worship, interactive games, video curriculum, memory verses, illustrated lessons,
and lots of other fun elements will keep them interested and engaged while they learn about God's word and what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
 Every week, we offer a special invitation for kids to pray and receive prayer from adult mentors.
 Our goal is to help parents provide a solid foundation which will help them see the goodness of God from an early age.

 Encounter Kids' Church
Sunday Morning 10:30 AM

1st - 6th Grade
Meet in the Next Gen Center

5 Years - Kindergarten
Meet in The Park

Sunday Christian Education Classes 

9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

Wednesday Night Activities

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Pre-K-2nd Grade - Sweet Shoppe
3rd - 4th Grade - Book Store
5th-6th Grade - The Garage
5 Year - 6th Grade - The Park
We welcome your family to come see what Encounter Kids is all about and to let our ministry coordinators and volunteers show the love of God to your children.
We want to help you and your family grow in personal relationship with God!